May 1: May Day Rally for Jobs, Not War - Bring the Troops Home Now!

Union Square 1 pm

Troops Out Now Coalition
39 W. 14th St. #206 NY NY 10011

On May 1 the Troops Out Now Coalition and the NYC Million Worker March are calling for a Jobs, Not War! - Bring the Troops Home Now! rally in Union Square, NYC.

May Day grew out of the struggle of working people in this country more than 100 years ago for an 8-hour workday with a full day's pay. All over the world, working and poor people march on May Day to send the message that workers are united and have the right to a job, a living wage, health care, housing and education. Workers have a right to pensions and social security. Immigrant workers and the unemployed should have the same rights. On May Day 2005, let's bring back that fighting spirit.

This is an important opportunity to link the struggle against the war with the struggle for jobs, healthcare, and education here at home.

Now, more than ever, the antiwar movement needs to be in the streets to oppose the Bush Administration's agenda of endless war. Two years ago, George W. Bush took the U.S. into war under the pretense that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Now, his Administration is claiming that Iran and North Korea possess weapons of mass destruction. It is important that we expose any talk of removing the threat of nuclear weapons as just another justification for a pre-emptive war against the people of Iran and Korea.

As the Bush Administration gears up for new military adventures, working people at home are under attack, as budgets for education, housing, and healthcare are slashed, the cost of living rises, and jobs are disappearing.

For more than 100 years, May Day has been a day for working people to be in the streets, united in the struggle for jobs, healthcare, and housing. Join us in the streets, May 1 in Union Square!