NYC--Troops Out Now! Citywide Outreach

Troops Out Now! Outreach
12 noon +
International Action Center
39 W. 14th St. #206
(between 5th & 6th Aves.)

March 19 is only 7 weeks away! We need your help to get
the word out.

On the weekend of March 19-20, the second anniversary of
the beginning of the war against the people of Iraq, the
global antiwar movement has called for demonstrations to
demand an end to the illegal occupation.

The Troops Out Now Coalition is organizing a massive march
and rally on March 19 in Central Park to demand the
immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all
U.S. occupation forces from Iraq.

Activists, students, veterans, working people, church
groups, and military families are organizing all over the
eastern U.S. to participate in this massive regional

In the face of Bush's inauguration sermon, in which he
claimed a mandate for endless war, it is vitally important
that the antiwar movement turn out by the tens of
thousands in a massive, united display of our opposition
to the Bush Agenda of war, racism, and repression.

Saturday outreach will start at 12 noon this Saturday at
the International Action Center, and every Saturday until
March 19. We have thousands of March 19 leaflets and cards
to get out, and we need your help. Activists and
volunteers will meet at the IAC and then set out in teams
to distribute literature in the parks, on the subways, and
on the streets.

Call 212-633-6646 for more information.

March 19
Troops Out Now!
March on Central Park in NYC!
Regional Demonstrations Across the U.S. & Worldwide