Demand the Right to Return!

Katrina Survivors Meet video and Youth Speakout Video, Jackson, Miss Dec 8-9

Troops Out Now Flyer distributed at Dec 8-10 Katrina conference and march

The People’s Hurricane Relief Fund & Oversight Coalition Announces:

From Outrage to Action!

State of Emergency Conference and Survivors General Assembly - Jackson, MS, Dec. 8 & 9

March on New Orleans - Dec. 10 - Demand the Right to Return

for more information, contact Community Labor United


The Objectives of the December 8-10, 2005 Assembly/Conference and the Demonstration are as follows:

1. To build a Hurricane Katrina Survivors General Assembly which will speak for the Gulf Coast Survivors and which will demand and exercise the peoples right to self determination in New Orleans and other effected gulf coast areas in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

2. To demand the people’s right to return to New Orleans and to the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast with dignity and without poverty.

3. To demand reparations for the governments’ criminal indifference, negligence, and malicious actions towards the Victims and Survivors, before, during and after Katrina.

4. To demand, launch and/or continue investigations, law suits and prosecutions of governments, agencies and persons responsible for the human rights violations and crimes against humanity committed before, during and after Katrina.

5. To build a national united front in support and solidarity with the self determination and reparation demands of Katrina Survivors, and through this front to design and initiate a plan of action and institutions which will allow black people to fortify themselves and serve their own needs in the face of future disasters which are either natural or by human hands.

6. To link today’s demands for reparations and self determination to the historical and future struggle of black people and other oppressed populations for self determination and reparations.


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